(*-New Course,  !-First time,  %-Faculty panel


  1. E. 140* – Basic Electronics 2 Credits, 4 Students, 8 SCH
  2. E. 213! – Introduction to Electrical Networks 3 Credits, 15 Students, 45 SCH


  1. E. 219! – Electrical Science Laboratory I 1 Credit, 28 Students, 28 SCH
  2. E. 545*%- Hospital Electrical Sys. & Instrumentation 3 Credits, 15 Students, 45 SCH


  1. E. 219 – Electrical Science Laboratory I 1 Credit, 30 Students, 30 SCH
  2. E. 695*%- Technology in Health Care Internship 6 Credits, 8 Students, 48 SCH
  3. E. 545 – Hospital Electrical Sys. & Instrumentation 3 Credits, 22 Students, 66 SCH


  1. E. 250* – Electrical Science Laboratory I 2 Credits, 34 Students, 68 SCH
  2. E. 490* – Biomedical Measurements and Instrumentation 3 Credits, 32 Students, 96 SCH
  3. E. 695% – Technology in Health Care Internship 6 Credits, 9 Students, 54 SCH
  4. E. 146* – Biomedical Engr. in Health Care Delivery 2 Credits, 17 Students, 34 SCH
  5. E. 459! – Concepts of Machine Language Programming 1 Credit, 16 Students, 16 SCH
  6. E. 675% – Mathematical Methods in Physiology 3 credits, 6 Students, 18 SCH


  1. E. 490 – Biomedical Measurements and Instrumentation 3 Credits, 32 Students, 96 SCH
  2. E. 695% – Technology in Health Care Internship 6 Credits, 7 Students, 42 SCH
  3. E. 250 – Electrical Science Laboratory I 2 Credits, 39 Students, 78 SCH
  4. E. 146 – Biomedical Engr. in Health Care Delivery 2 Credits, 29 Students, 58 SCH
  5. E. 481* – Foundations of Bioengineering 3 Credits, 6 Students, 18 SCH


  1. E. 490 – Biomedical Measurements and Instrumentation 3 Credits, 22 Students, 66 SCH
  2. E. 695% – Technology in Health Care Internship 6 Credits, 13 Students, 78 SCH
  3. E. 545 – Hospital Electrical Systems and Instrumentation 3 Credits, 16 Students, 48 SCH
  4. E. 144 – Engineering Applied to Biomedical Problems 2 Credits, 34 Students, 68 SCH


  1. E. 695% – Technology in Health Care Internship 6 Credits, 5 Students, 30 SCH
  2. E. 481 – Foundations of Bioengineering 3 Credits, 11 Students, 33 SCH
  3. E. 148 – Biomedical Engr. in Health Care Delivery 2 Credits, 25 Students, 50 SCH


  1. E. 445! – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 21 Students, 63 SCH
  2. E. 695% – Technology in Health Care Internship 6 Credits, 10 Students, 60 SCH
  3. E. 280! – Introduction to Electrical Networks 4 Credits, 26 Students, 104 SCH


  1. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 26 Students, 78 SCH
  2. E. 280 – Introduction to Electrical Networks 4 Credits, 32 Students, 128 SCH
  3. E. 581*%- Principles of Clinical Engineering 3 Credits, 11 Students, 33 SCH


  1. E. 589! – Microprocessor System Design 3 Credits, 44 Students, 132 SCH
  2. E. 500 – Microprocessor Console Support 3 Credits, John Hanpeter, 3 SCH
  3. E. 280 – Introduction to Electrical Networks 4 Credits, 17 Students, 68 SCH


  1. E. 589 – Microprocessor System Design 3 Credits, 23 Students, 69 SCH
  2. E. 500 – Clinical Engineering Practice 3 Credits, Sherry Rascovar, 3 SCH
  3. E. 380! – Network Analysis and Synthesis 4 Credits, 21 Students, 84 SCH


  1. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 30 Students, 90 SCH
  2. E. 589 – Microprocessor System Design 3 Credits, 22 Students, 66 SCH
  3. E. 380 – Network Analysis and Synthesis 4 Credits, 36 Students, 144 SCH


  1. E. 250 – Electrical Laboratory I, sections B and C 2 Credits, 40 Students, 80 SCH
  2. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 26 Students, 78 SCH
  3. E. 250 – Electrical Laboratory I, section B 2 Credits, 20 Students, 40 SCH
  4. E. 380 – Network Analysis and Synthesis 4 Credits, 42 Students, 168 SCH


  1. E. 250 – Electrical Laboratory I, sections B and C 2 Credits, 38 Students, 76 SCH
  2. E. 250 – Electrical Laboratory I, section B 2 Credits, 20 Students, 40 SCH
  3. E. 380 – Network Analysis and Synthesis 4 Credits, 23 Students, 92 SCH


  1. E. 250 – Electrical Laboratory I, section C 2 Credits, 20 Students, 40 SCH
  2. E. 380 – Network Analysis and Synthesis 4 Credits, 30 Students, 120 SCH
  3. E. 455!% – Digital Systems Laboratory 3 Credits, 11 Students, 33 SCH


  1. E. 546* – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 12 Students, 36 SCH
  2. E. 280 – Introduction to Electrical Networks 4 Credits, 28 Students, 112 SCH
  3. E. 455 – Digital Systems Laboratory 3 Credits, 20 Students, 60 SC


  1. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 17 Students, 51 SCH
  2. E. 400% – Digital Systems Laboratory Support 3 Credits, Mark Miller, 3 SCH
  3. E. 455% – Digital Systems Laboratory 3 Credits, 38 Students, 114 SCH


  1. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 14 Students, 42 SCH
  2. E. 400 – ECG Cart Design 3 Credits, Tim Schaewe, 3 SCH
  3. E. 455% – Digital Systems Laboratory 3 Credits, 30 Students, 90 SCH
  4. E. 516*%- Advanced Topics in Signal & Image Processing 3 Credits, 3 Students, 9 SCH


  1. E. 379! – Signals and Systems 3 Credits, 39 Students, 117 SCH
  2. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 18 Students, 54 SCH
  3. E. 379 – Signals and Systems (Summer) 3 Credits, 16 Students, 48 SCH
  4. E. 400 – Ultrasonic Pulser System I 3 Credits, Tim Waddell, 3 SCH
  5. E. 400 – Ultrasonic Pulser System II 3 Credits, Tim Waddell, 3 SCH
  6. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 32 Students, 96 SCH
  7. E. 480% – Senior Design Project 3 Credits, 33 Students, 99 SCH


  1. E. 480% – Senior Design Project 3 Credits, 54 Students, 162 SCH
  2. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 13 Students, 39 SCH
  3. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 23 Students, 69 SCH


  1. E. 455% – Digital Systems Laboratory 3 Credits, 36 Students, 108 SCH
  2. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 15 Students, 45 SCH
  3. E. 400 – Ultrasonic Pulser System Control 3 Credits, Scott Foster, 3 SCH
  4. E. 500 – Workstation Bus Implementations 3 Credits, Brad Rhodes, 3 SCH
  5. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 31 Students, 93 SCH
  6. E. 455 – Digital Systems Laboratory 3 Credits, 11 Students, 33 SCH


  1. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 16 Students, 48 SCH
  2. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 22 Students, 66 SCH
  3. E. 480% – Senior Design Project 3 Credits, 25 Students, 75 SCH


  1. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 20 Students, 60 SCH
  2. E. 280 – Introduction to Electrical Networks 3 Credits, 61 Students, 183 SCH


  1. E. 421! – Communication Theory and Systems 3 Credits, 12 Students, 36 SCH
  2. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 18 Students, 54 SCH
  3. E. 280 – Introduction to Electrical Networks 3 Credits, 50 Students, 150 SCH


  1. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 12 Students, 36 SCH
  2. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 11 Students, 33 SCH


  1. E. 314! – Engineering Electromagnetics I: Fundamentals 3 Credits, 27 Students, 81 SCH
  2. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 10 Students, 30 SCH


  1. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 21 Students, 63 SCH
  2. E. 480* – Senior Design Project 3 Credits, 7 Students, 21 SCH


  1. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 17 Students, 51 SCH
  2. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 17 Students, 51 SCH
  3. E. 480 – Senior Design Project 3 Credits, 10 Students, 30 SCH


  1. E. 421 – Communication Theory and Systems 3 Credits, 11 Students, 33 SCH
  2. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 8 Students, 24 SCH
  3. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 23 Students, 69 SCH
  4. E. 480 – Senior Design Project 3 Credits, 14 Students, 42 SCH


  1. E. 546 – Quantitative Imaging Processing 3 Credits, 5 Students, 15 SCH
  2. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 17 Students, 51 SCH


  1. E. 597* – Principles of Ultrasonic Imaging 3 Credits, 13 Students, 39 SCH
  2. E. 379 – Signal Analysis for Electronic Sys. & Circuits 3 Credits, 23 Students, 69 SCH


  1. E. 379 – Signal Analysis for Electronic Sys. & Circuits 3 Credits, 23 Students, 69 SCH
  2. E. 445 – Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits, 17 Students, 51 SCH
  3. E. 400 – Ultrasonic Thermometry 4 Credits, Jared Starman, 4 SCH


  1. E. 597 – Principles of Ultrasonic Imaging 3 Credits, 7 Students, 21 SCH


  1. E. 400 – Electronics Manual 3 Credits, Katherine Kosman, 3 SCH
  2. E. 400 – Ultrasonic Thermometry 3 Credits, Nhat Vu, 3 SCH
  3. E. 500 – Ultrasonic Thermometry 3 Credits, Suvimol Sangkatumvong, 3 SCH
  4. E. 500 – Electrocardiology 3 Credits, Krisha Timbadia, 3 SCH


ESE 400 – Synthetic-Aperture Imaging   3 Credits, Sean Thomas, 3 SCH

ESE 230 – Introduction to Electrical Networks     3 Credits,  45 Students, 135 SCH


ESE 351 – Signals and Systems                 3 Credits, 24 Students, 72 SCH

  1. ESE 400 – Torso Modeling for Electrocardiology          3 Credits, Sharad Bhooplapur, 3 SCH
  2. ESE 400 – Heart Modeling for Electrocardiology              3 Credits, John Bogovich, 3 SCH
  3. ESE 400 – Ultrasonic Thermometry  3 Credits, Thomas Simpson, 3 SCH
  4. ESE 230 – Introduction to Electrical Networks      3 Credits, 60 Students, 180 SCH
  5. ESE 497 – Ultrasonic Echo Acquisition and Imaging    1 Credit, Amanda Virkus, 1 SCH


  1. ESE 497 – Ultrasonic Echo Acquisition and Imaging  2 Credits, Amanda Virkus, 2 SCH
  2. ESE 588 – Quantitative Image Processing 3 Credits, 11 Students, 33 SCH


  1. ESE 230 – Introduction to Electrical Networks 3 Credits, 13 Students, 39 SCH
  2. ESE 482 – Digital Signal Processing         3 Credits, 24 Students, 72 SCH


  1. ESE 524 – Statistical Detection and Estimation     3 Credits, 14 Students, 42 SCH
  2. ESE 482 – Digital Signal Processing         3 Credits, 15 Students, 45 SCH
  3. ESE 497 – Ultrasonic pulser/receiver optimization 3 Credit, Chris Reale, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 482 – Digital Signal Processing         1 Credits, 1 Students, 39 SCH
  2. ESE 497 – Thermal dependence of ultrasonic attenuation  Chris Reale, 1 credit, 1 SCH


  1. ESE 524 – Statistical Detection and Estimation       3 Credits, 14 Students, 42 SCH
  2. ESE 520! – Probability and Stochastic Processes       3 credits, 36 students, 108 SCH
  3.  ESE 497 –  “System Development for Thermal Imaging with Ultrasound”, Charles D Holmes, 3 credits, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 524 –  Detection and Estimation Theory     3 credits, 14  students, 42 SCH
  2. ESE 482 –  Digital Signal Processing     3 credits, 20 students, 60 SCH
  3. ESE 588 –   Quantitative Image Processing     3 credits, 18  students, 54 SCH
  4. ESE 497 – “System Development for Thermal Imaging with Ultrasound”, Charles D Holmes, 3 credits, 3 SCH

  5. ESE 497 – “Sensitivity of  Human Body-Surface Potentials to Changes in the Cardiac Action Potential with Diabetes”, Yujing Lin 3 credits, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 524 –  Detection and Estimation Theory, 3 credits, 14 students, 42 SCH
  2. ESE 482 –  Digital Signal Processing     3 credits, 25 students 75 SCH
  3. ESE 588 –  Quantitative Image Processing, 3 credits, 17 students, 51 SCH
  4. ESE 500 – “Cardiac Surface Action Potential Differences in Normal Diabetic Subjects Assessed Noninvasively,” Yujing Lin, 3 credits, 3 SCH
  5. ESE 500 – “Real-Time Thermal Imaging with Ultrasound,” Charles D Holmes, 3 credits, 3 SCH
  6. ESE 500 – “Capture of Changes in Human Torso Shape during Respiration using Multiple Kinect Infrared Laser Sensors”, Bowen Zhao, 3crdeits, 3SCH


  1. ESE 524 – Detection and Estimation Theory    3 credits, 32 students, 96 SCH
  2. ESE 482 – Digital Signal Processing     3 credits, 10 students 30 SCH
  3. ESE 588 – Quantitative Image Processing     3 credits, 17 students, 51 SCH
  4. ESE 499 – “Improvement of L1- over L2-Norm Solutions to the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography”, Yujing Lin, 3 credits, 3 SCH


    ESE 500 –  “Estimation of Non-Uniform Heating Patterns with Ultrasound in Perfused Tissue”, Sijia Huang, 3 credits, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 524 –  Detection and Estimation Theory     3 credits, 18 students 54 SCH
  2. ESE 482 –  Digital Signal Processing     3 credits, 25 students, 75 SCH
  3. ESE 588 –  Quantitative Image Processing     3 credits, 24 students, 72 SCH
  4. ESE 500 – “Estimation of Non-Uniform Heating Patterns with Ultrasound in Perfused Tissue”. Sijia Huang, 3 credits, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 524 –  Detection and Estimation Theory     3 credits, 29 students, 87 SCH
  2. ESE 588 – Quantitative Image Processing     3 credits, 25 students, 75 SCH
  3. ESE 500 – “Torso Surface Construction and Probe Tracking using the Kinect Sensor”, Jinbo Chen, 3 credits, 3 SCH

  4. ESE 500 –  “Torso Surface Errors using the Kinect Sensor”, Rui Wan, 3 credits, 3 SCH

  5. ESE 500 – “Torso Modeling and Transducer Position for Inverse Electrocardiography, Jifei Li, 3 credits, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 524 – Detection and Estimation     3 credits, 49 students, 147 SCH
  2. ESE 588 – Quantitative Image Processing     3 credits, 12 students, 36 SCH
  3. ESE 500 –  “Estimation of Non-Uniform Heating Patterns with Ultrasound In Vitro”, Jie Li, 3 credits, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 524 – Detection and Estimation     3 credits, 29 students, 87 SCH
  2. ESE 588 – Quantitative Image Processing     3 credits, 10 students, 30 SCH
  3. ESE 500 – “Comparison Between Two Machine Learning Tools
    Using Digital Consumer Data”, Julia Soscia, 3 credits, 3 SCH


  1. ESE 471 Communications Theory and Systems    3 credits, 19 students, 57 SCH
  2. ESE 482 Digital Signal Processing     3 credits, 22 students, 66 SCH