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- Arthur RM and CE Molnar “Broadcast Administration of Questionnaires Developed on MUMPS-Based Systems” Proceedings 1974 MUMPS User’s Group, pp. 116-119, 1974.
- Ripley KL and RM Arthur “Evaluation and Comparison of Automatic Arrhythmia Detectors” Computers in Cardiology, IEEE No. 75CH1018-1C, pp.27-32, 1975.
- Arthur RM “Curriculum for the Technology in Health Care Program” Proceedings of the Conference on Clinical Engineering Education (Baltimore May, 1976), J. B. Oakes, editor, IEEE No. 76CH1214-6EMB, pp.57-60, 1976.
- Arthur RM, DG Wantzelius, A Hernandez and AN Weiss “Interactive Acquisition of Diagnostic Electrocardiograms” Computers in Cardiology 1976, IEEE No. 76CH1160-1C, pp.307-311, 1976.
- Arthur RM “Assessment of Electrocardiographic Signal Quality During Acquisition” Computers in Cardiology 1978, IEEE No. 78CH1391-2C, pp. 255-258, 1978.
- Hermes RE, RM Arthur, LJ Thomas Jr., DB Geselowitz and GC Oliver “Status of the American Heart Association Database” Computers in Cardiology 1979, IEEE No. 79CH1462, pp.293-296, 1979.
- Broadstone SR and RM Arthur “An Approach to Real-Time Reflection Tomography Using the Complete Dataset” 1986 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, IEEE No. 86CH2375-4, vol. 2, pp. 829-831, 1986.
- Arthur RM and SR Broadstone “The Effect of Background Velocity Variation on the Point-Spread Function of Ultrasonic Transducer Arrays” 1987 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, IEEE No. 87CH242-7, vol. 2, pp. 947-950, 1987.
- Arthur RM, HD Ambos and ME Cain “Construction of Body-Surface Isoharmonic Maps from Frank XYZ Leads” Computers in Cardiology 1990, IEEE No. 90CH3011-4, pp. 471-474, 1991.
- Hyttinen J, RM Arthur, P Kauppinen, J Malmivuo “Parallel Processing Approach for Finite Difference Modelling of Human Thorax as a Volume Conductor” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference – IEEE/EMBS, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 1997, Chicago, IL, pp.2458-2460.
- Franklin MA, A Mahajan and RM Arthur “Parallel Implementation of an Ultrasonic Image Generation Algorithm using MPI” Proceedings of the Eleventh IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, vol. 2, pp. 589-596, 1999.
- Franklin MA, A Mahajan and RM Arthur “Parallel Implementations of 3D Synthetic-Focus Ultrasonic Image Generation using MPI” Proceedings of the Thirteenth ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, vol. 2, pp. 205-212, 2000.
- Trobaugh JW and RM Arthur “Registration of the Spine Using a Physically-Based Image Model for Ultrasound” Proceedings of MICCAI 2001, Utrecht, Netherlands, pp. 1176-1177, 2001.
- Trobaugh JW and RM Arthur “Representation of Shape in Ultrasonic Images with a Physically-Based Image Model”, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2001), pp. 79-86, 2001.
- Arthur RM, JW Trobaugh, WL Straube, EG Moros and S Sangkatumvong “Temperature Dependence of Ultrasonic Backscattered Energy in Images Compensated for Tissue Motion” Proceedings of the 2003 International IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium“, IEEE No. 03CH37476C, pp. 990-993, 2003.
- ICBEM 2015